Lupita Eyde-Tucker is a bilingual poet from New Jersey and Guayaquil, Ecuador. The winner of the 2021 Unbound Emerging Poet Prize, her poems have appeared in journals such as Nashville Review, Columbia Journal, Raleigh Review, Women’s Voices for Change, [PANK], American Life in Poetry, Best New Poets 2022, The Cortland Review, and Ninth Letter. Her translation of Venezuelan poet Oriette D’Angelo’s collection, “Homeland of Swarms” is forthcoming from Co•im•press in Fall 2023. Lupita teaches literature and creative writing workshops in poetry at the high school and university levels. A former Poetry in America student, Lupita holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of Florida. She has received fellowships and institutional support from the Kentucky Women Writers Conference, Bread Loaf Writers Conferences, the NY State Summer Writers Institute, and Vermont Studio Center and was a staff scholar at Bread Loaf Translators Conference in June 2023.
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