Gloria Estefan
International Singer/Songwriter and Entrepreneur
Looking for The Gulf Motel by Richard Blanco

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Historian, Professor, Harvard University

Tony Kushner

All Guests
These are all the guest interpreters who have joined the conversation about poetry.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Activist and Author, "The Caged Virgin"
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Matthew Aucoin
Sir Jonathan Bate
Professor, Environmental Humanities, Arizona State University
Dr. Joshua Bennett
Poet, Professor, Dartmouth College
Richard Blanco
Jonathan Brent
Executive Director, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Stephen Breyer
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper By Martín Espada
Patrick DéɁileligi Burtt
Wašíw Historian
Bear Fat & Rabbits and Fire by Alberto Ríos and Linda Hogan
Rafael Campo
Poet and Physician
Donna Lynne Champlin
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Finishing the Hat by Stephen Sondheim
Alexandra Contreras-Montesano
National Student Poet, 2018
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Richard Dawkins
Evolutionary Biologist and Author
Philip J. Deloria
Professor of History, Harvard University
Bear Fat & Rabbits and Fire by Alberto Ríos and Linda Hogan
Bryan Doerries
Artistic Director, Theater of War Productions
Rosemarie Dombrowski
Lecturer & Poet
Angela Duckworth
Psychologist, University of Pennsylvania
Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden
Eve Ensler
Playwright and Performer
Al Filreis
Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Stephanie Fitzgerald
Director, American Indian Studies, Arizona State University
Bear Fat & Rabbits and Fire by Alberto Ríos and Linda Hogan
Cora Fox
Professor, English, Arizona State University
Philip Galanes
New York Times Columnist
Sonnet IV; I shall forget you presently, my dear by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Historian, Professor, Harvard University
Olivia Gatwood
Sonnet IV; I shall forget you presently, my dear by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Dulce Gonzalez-Estevez
Lecturer, Spanish, Arizona State University
Juan Felipe Herrera
Former United States Poet Laureate
Hymmnn and Hum Bom! by Allen Ginsberg
Linda Hogan
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Bear Fat & Rabbits and Fire by Alberto Ríos and Linda Hogan
Ben Horowitz
Co-Founder, Andreessen Horowitz; Board Member, Genius
Susan Howe
Yunte Huang
Professor, English, UC Santa Barbara
Leslie Jamison
Sonnet IV; I shall forget you presently, my dear by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Cristina Jiménez
Executive Director & Co-Founder, United We Dream
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Elena Kagan
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Laure Katz
Senior Director Center for Oceans, Conservation International
The Fish by Marianne Moore
Jeffery Kennedy
Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Sonnet IV; I shall forget you presently, my dear by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Katherine Kenny
Dean, College of Nursing, Arizona State University
Dr. Inna Khazan
Ann Kjellberg
Literary executor of Joseph Brodsky
Suzanne Koven
Doctor, Mass General
Tony Kushner
Bernadette Mayer
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Wangui Muigai
Catherine O’Donnell
Professor, Arizona State University
Edgardo Ochoa
Marine Safety Officer, Conservation International
The Fish by Marianne Moore
Sharon Olds
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Emily Oster
Economist and Author "Expecting Better"
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Johanna Polsenberg
Former Senior Director, Conservation International
The Fish by Marianne Moore
Samantha Power
Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
Musée des Beaux Arts by W.H. Auden
Dr. Barry Pryor
Professor of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona
Elizabeth Reis
Professor, City University of New York
This Is Just to Say by William Carlos Williams
Ana Maria Rodriguez
Former Senior Manager, Conservation International
The Fish by Marianne Moore
Bob Rubin
Former Secretary of the Treasury
Alan Seltzer
Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Jeremy Sigler
Rosanne Somerson
Past President, Rhode Island School of Design
Nick Spitzer
Folklorist, Tulane Univ. and Host American Routes
you can say that again, billie by Evie Shockley
James Tanton
Mathematician and Math Educator
Louisa Thomas
Staff Writer, The New Yorker
Davóne Tines
Opera singer
Catherine Walker
Fashion Designer
Dr. Andrew Weil
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Randi Weingarten
President, American Federation of Teachers
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Lorna Wilkerson
The Language of the Brag and The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters by Sharon Olds and Bernadette Mayer
Cassandra Wilson
Vocalist, Songwriter, and Producer
you can say that again, billie by Evie Shockley
Amanda Zory
Opera singer
Natalia Zukerman
Sonnet IV; I shall forget you presently, my dear by Edna St. Vincent Millay